Skills for Academic Success

The formative foundation academic years are from 4 years old though the 8th grade. It is important to assess whether your child has the necessary skills for academic success during the elementary years and beyond. Begin now to prepare your child.

For a student to enjoy success in school, the student must have these academic skills:
1. The ability to manage time
2.Organizational strategies
3.The know-how to take notes and develop an effective notebook
4.Test-taking skills (including  on standardized tests).

All students need excellent executive function skills to do well.  For children with executive function issues or learning disabilities , support is even more important. Acquiring academic skills will motivate and support your student to achieve his or her potential. As your child masters these skills, he/she will experience academic success and build confidence and self-esteem in the classroom.

Academic skills include:
1.Organizational skills
2.Study techniques and study tips
3.Study and organizational strategies for middle school
4.Test-taking strategies and test-taking tips
5.Time management skills
6.Homework skills for kids
7.Building a notebook into a study/reference resource

More on Executive Function skills:

Help with Organization and Study Skills:

CEC’s guidance will help students develop their academic skills and become better adjusted, more confident, and perform their best in school.

View note-taking strategies adapted from Cornell Note-Taking system with guidelines:

View Cornell Note-Taking Video:

Request blank Cornell Note-Taking forms:

View Cornell planner to support time management