Choosing the Right School

Where their child goes to school is one of the most difficult and confusing decisions facing parents . Families must establish their own sets of priorities and goals before choosing the right school. These may include: transportation logistics, financial realities, and siblings in multiple schools. That set of considerations is then combined with your child’s needs.

Why do families look for a school for their child (children)?
• Entering school for the first time
• Going to kindergarten from pre-kindergarten
• Transitioning to elementary school (middle school)
• Graduating to high school
• Your child has special learning needs
• Needing an alternative school environment ( 1 on 1 learning)
• Moving to a new area and school hunting often begins before house hunting
• Student is not happy, thriving, and/or is academically struggling at current school.  If all options to remedy the situation(s) within the school have been exhausted, the family and their child may be ready to transfer to another school.

Choosing a School: Public vs. Private
The process of choosing the right school begins with assessing whether to consider a public school versus a private school.  Each family’s priorities together with their child’s needs establish the grounds for the search.  Positives and negatives exist for both private and public schools and can only be properly assessed when the priorities and needs of each family are clearly understood.

CEC will help make choosing the right school an easier process. Children’s Educational Consulting LLC offers assistance in the Fort Mill greater area.