Tips to Finding the Right School

word text choosing the right school for your child

Five tips for finding the right school begin with considering both your child’s and family’s needs.

Choosing the right school for your child is a challenging thoughtful process. And, finding the best-fit school can make all the difference in his or her academic career. This is true whether your son or daughter is entering pre-kindergarten or kindergarten. Or, your child is in the natural transition from elementary school to middle school, or middle school to high school. In addition, there are times when it is necessary to find another school because the previous school wasn’t working.

It is important to begin the process by considering two sets of priorities or goals. These priorities focus on your child and your family. Here are five tips to help you choose the right school.   

Your child’s needs and interests.

Each student has a unique personality and set of capabilities, needs, strengths, interests, learning styles, physical or behavior challenges, and learning differences. Knowing what your son or daughter needs become key in choosing a school with the best fit. Some thoughtful suggestions to consider are:

  • A more or less structured environment?
  • A need for more challenging work or special learning needs?
  • A need for an environment that fosters creativity?
Your child’s learning style.

Knowing your child’s learning style will help you find a school that is a great fit.  Your child will be oriented toward either an Auditory, Visual or Kinesthetic learning style. An environment that incorporates several learning styles will help your student stay engaged, excited, and ready to learn.  For example:

  • Does your child learn best by seeing how things work or prefer reading, listening or physical activity to learn?
  • Is your child logical/mathematical, musical or artistic?
  • Does your child prefer to learn in groups or work alone?
Your family’s needs.

Various family considerations must be evaluated in conjunction with your child’s needs for the choice of school to be the right fit.  These considerations will include, but not be limited to: proximity of school to home, financial realities of public vs. private, and siblings attending different schools.  These considerations may be:

  • Can your child’s talents be better nurtured outside your neighborhood school?
  • Do you prefer to have your child bused or are you willing to drive your child; consider driving logistics of having children in different schools.
  • Does your child want to be in a school with his or her friends?
Weigh-in on your expectations and values in a school.

The school’s mission statement and culture should be a comfortable fit with your family’s values. Communication arrangements between parents and the school/teachers are important to understand. Some recommendations include:

  • If your child has special needs, how will those needs being met?
  • Visit the school and observe the classrooms and the teachers’ style, if possible.
  • Will your child be adequately challenged?
Assess the types of schools.

School choices are either public or private. Private schools often have smaller classes. They may offer a curriculum or special courses that better suit your child. But, they can be expensive. In addition, consider whether a co-ed or single sex education is preferable for your child. Last, evaluate the school’s programs:  are they progressive or traditional and which is better for your child.

  • Public schools are either District, Magnate or International Baccalaureate.
  • Private Schools are either Independent Day, Boarding, Therapeutic, Micro, Special Needs, or have a Religious Affiliation.
  • Private Schools may be co-ed or single sex. They often have a smaller school environment and may have progressive or traditional programs.

In conclusion, start your search for the best-fit school by thinking about what you want a school to do for your child. After all, you know your son or daughter better than anyone else does. Then, combine your child’s needs with your families’ priorities. Following these tips should help get you well on the way to finding the right school for your child.

Additional reading on this topic can be found at this link.