Breakfast Boosts Brain Power!

Breakfast Boosts Brain Power
Breakfast Boosts Brain Power
Start the Day with Breakfast

Breakfast boosts brain power and supports school performance. However, a healthy breakfast is often not recognized as important for a child’s performance at school. Parents usually think about strengthening their child’s academic skills. Or, parents will seek special help for children with learning differences. Importantly, breakfast needs more attention. Moreover, the benefits of how breakfast supports school performance have been researched and proven.

How Breakfast Helps

Children grow quickly. Food supports this growth and provides energy. Blood sugar levels drop during the night when a child does not eat or drink. As a result, blood sugar levels are lower in the morning. A good breakfast brings the blood sugar up to a healthy level. Children may feel tired and have difficulty concentrating at school without a healthy breakfast. And, they will not have the needed energy to perform well in classes until they eat lunch. In contrast, children who eat a healthy, well-balanced breakfast were more likely to have better problem-solving skills, better hand-eye coordination, stay alert and be creative.

Furthermore, research shows that eating a healthy breakfast regularly had a positive effect on school performance. Improvements in concentration at school were observed when healthy breakfasts contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, and dairy. In addition, students had better test scores and increased energy. Noteworthy was that mathematics, reading, and science seemed to benefit the most.

Recognizing the Benefits of Breakfast

National Public Radio (NPR) reported that “studies since the 1950s have consistently shown that children who eat breakfast perform better academically than those who don’t”. As a result, public schools around the country are now providing more than 14 million breakfasts at school.

So, boost your child’s brain power at school. Start your child’s day with a healthy breakfast!  For great breakfast ideas: