Are You Managing Your Child’s Education Alone?

Contact Children’ Educational Consulting for professional advice and guidance on primary school success . Working together, we’ll create a successful educational path for your child!

Successful primary school students
Successful Primary School Students

Children’s Educational Consulting (CEC) is more than a school advisory and tutoring service.  CEC invests time and energy into understanding the needs of each family and their children before beginning a service. And, it matters not whether those needs are immediate or long-term. That means particular care is given to appreciating and understanding each child’s unique personality, learning style and educational needs. It means, also, that time is spent understanding each family’s values as well as their educational goals and wishes for their children. CEC, then, structures its services to meet those goals and students’ needs for primary school success and beyond. It is in that way that CEC distinguishes itself – and sets itself apart – from other school advisory entities and tutoring services.

So, start strong and minimize educational challenges later on! Text/call for help today! 203-559-5359; email:

Mission Statement

Children’s Educational Consulting LLC believes that primary school success begins in pre-k . A strong start through primary school will support success through grade twelve and beyond. CEC is committed to providing a variety of individually-tailored educational services that ensure continued academic success and happiness at school.

Virtual Tutoring Available!

Primary School Success

Virtual Tutoring is available anywhere, everywhere, and in all zip codes with Zoom video chat, Face Time, Teletutoring. Read more to learn about why virtual tutoring is for you.

Are you managing your child’s distance learning?
  • You have been very busy managing your student’s home schooling.
  • And, you have been under a lot of stress.
  • Then, use an Executive Function/Organizational Tutor and step away.
  • Leave the management of your child’s school day to a professional tutor.
  • Contact: phone/text 203-559-5359; email:
Are you trying to find ways to support your student in the absence of a physical teacher?
  • First, you observe that your child does not have school work.
  • Or, you feel that your child needs additional academic support.
  • On the other hand, you observe that your student needs extra challenge.
  • An Academic Support Tutor will be able to meet your child’s individual needs.
  • Contact: phone/text 203-559-5359; email:
Is your math student struggling and falling behind with at-home learning?
  • And, your student is not sufficiently challenged, is bored and restless working in a virtual classroom?
  • Then, a Math Tutor working with your student in a face-to face zoom video chat or Face Time session offers the perfect solution.
  • Contact: phone/text 203-559-5359; email:
Virtual Tutoring Options

Virtual tutoring options are available. Parents can choose flexible options ranging from daily sessions to as-needed support. Plus, parents can easily get the help their children need. So, give your students the academic tools, skills, and strategies for improved understanding and learning. And, better grades!

Text/call for help today! 203-559-5359; email:

What CEC offers to ensure primary school success

CEC focuses on grades pre-k through grade 8 and high school students who may be changing schools. Decades of educational experience has created a deep understanding and appreciation for strong primary school education. Consequently, workshops have been developed covering critical topics to build parents’ awareness of the importance of strong primary school education. In addition, a variety of individually-tailored services has been constructed to help parents achieve primary school success for their children. Short and long-term educational strategies are also available. 


CEC offers an excellent range of services that provides parents with tools necessary to ensure their children’s happiness and primary school success. Services are designed to recognize children’s uniqueness, boost school confidence and love of learning, and to advise how to get better grades.

Please phone, text or email to discuss further details.

  • Choosing the right school for your child’s uniqueness
  • Kindergarten readiness assessment
  • Math skill assessment
  • Personalized math tutoring
  • Personalized academic skill-building program

Contact: phone/text 203-559-5359; email:

Why CEC’s expertise brings primary school success

CEC has a proven track record of success with its parents and students. Because it is crucial that parents are knowledgeable that school success begins in pre-k, CEC works hard to inform parents. Published writings, speaking engagements and workshops serve to educate. Then, CEC‘s effective, personalized services provide the necessary tools to parents to accomplish their educational objectives. This interesting article supports that the path to lifelong success begins with strong primary school success.


Popular workshop topics are listed below. In addition, other workshop themes may be developed to meet your school’s or program’s needs. Please phone, text or email to discuss further details. Contact: phone/text 203-559-5359email:

workshop presentation
  • Kindergarten Readiness
  • Importance of Kindergarten
  • The Benchmark Years of 1st, 3rd and 5th grades
  • Investing in a Strong Primary Education
  • Choosing the Right School
  • How to make the most of your Parent-Teacher Conference
How CEC’s expertise brings primary school success

Services that lead to proven successful educational paths fall into four categories. Sometimes, primary school success can be obtained with an adjustment in only one area. Comprehensively, however, parents need to be mindful of all four areas as their children progress through primary school. To consult with CEC in one or more of these areas, or to discuss a comprehensive educational path, please reach out. Phone/text 203-559-5359; email:

  • Choosing a School

Primary school success begins with choosing the right school.  Schools should provide a strong education that is joyful, challenges and inspires students.  But, choosing the right school is not easy. First, it is important to recognize your children’s needs and styles of learning. Then, it is critical to understand your family’s needs and priorities. Finally, CEC helps with choosing the right school based on both your children’s and family’s needs. CEC has expertise with both public and independent schools.

  • Kindergarten Readiness

Postponing the beginning of kindergarten is sometimes necessary. For instance, this may occur when children will be age 4 at the start of kindergarten. Other reasons to delay include allowing extra time for social and emotional growth, intellectual, or physical growth. Above all, it is important to appreciate each child’s unique personality, needs, strengths, interests, learning styles, and learning differences. CEC understands your child’s uniqueness. And, CEC will help you understand your child’s kindergarten readiness.

  • Skills for Academic Success

It is common for parents to want their children to go to a great college. And, parents want the academic journey to be successful and happy.  But, this vision must begin with primary school success. Therefore, parents must ensure early on that children develop the necessary long-term skills to assure academic success.  CEC works with parents to individually understand their children. Then, CEC provides personalized programs for organizational skills, study techniques, and test-taking strategies. CEC encourages parents to take an active role in their student’s education.

  • Math Tutoring

Success in math requires mastering one set of skills before going to the next. Math support is important when children are performing less well than would be expected or are below grade level. First, CEC determines the weak math skills. Then, CEC assesses what math content is not understood. In addition, it may be necessary to assess why the student is not acquiring necessary skills. Finally, CEC provides individually-tailored tutoring and practice for all grades through Algebra.

Choosing a School

Kindergarten Readiness   

Skills for Academic Success   

Math Tutoring  

Children’s Educational Consulting brochure

Primary School Success

Primary School Success